The idea was conceived after Baringo got hard hit by the outbreak of malaria. This drew the attention of various well-wishers
and organizations including RockHealth Integrated Care and Consultancies (RICO) a fully registered community based
organization (CBO).
To join other organizations in rescuing the situation of increasing malaria infections, food insecurity and complications
that accompany them.
Baringo County, Baringo East Sub-County (Tiaty), Tirioko Ward, Rotu Village. Baringo County has a population of 555,561 according to the 2009 census and an area of 4272.2 sq. mi. It has two divisions, Akoret and Ngoron. Ngoron has Tirioko, Ngoron, Lokis and Mirkissi locations while Akoret division has Akoret and Kapau locations. East Pokot has a total of 32,000 people.