Through the RockHealth Integrated Care Org/Kenya Pipeline Company Ltd (KPC), partnership,
RockHealth Integrated Care Org (RICO) reached out to the community of Adiedo in Karachuonyo, Homa Bay County. Medical services provided include general consultation, laboratory services, pharmacy COVID-19 vaccination, public health education, cervical and breast cancer screening, dental, eye (optometry and ophthalmology), counseling and nutritional clinics. Referrals were made to Kendu Sub-County Hospital, Sabatia Eye Hospital, and Homa-Bay County Referral Hospital. The epidemiological data collected during the Field Hospital will be vital in advising healthcare interventions in the area. In addition, the organization donated medication to two local healthcare facilities in the sub-county.
Disease Profile Highlights
From a detailed prescription-per-prescription analysis of the conditions, 991 patients were served during a 2-day free Field Hospital running through 2 days at Adiedo Primary School. arthritis, hypertension, hypertensive crises, upper respiratory tract infections, peptic ulcer disease cases, urinary tract infections, and skin and skin structure infections among others were diagnosed. Out of all the cervical cancer screening tests done, all turned out negative while 2 patients were positive for cervicitis. 42 cases were referred which were suspected oral, colorectal cancer, and benign prostate hyperplasia.
Selected Data Snapshots
During the Field Hospital, the following number of cases were realized:
233 cases of arthritis,
150 cases of hypertension, 16 of hypertensive crises,
76 upper respiratory infections,
63 peptic ulcer disease cases,
54 urinary tract infections,
Out of 40 cervical tests conducted, 2 patients were positive for cervicitis. 2 were found to have breast masses and were referred.
42 cases were referred from general consultation which were suspected oral, colorectal cancer and benign prostate hyperplasia, known sickle cell disease,
12 dental extractions were done and 32 referrals including a case of ameloblastoma
200 people received vaccination against COVID-19
As part of building sustainability, RICO Donates 90% of all its remaining supplies to the local facilities
Donations of pharmaceuticals were made to Adiedo Dispensary and Kendu Sub-County Hospital.
Through the clinical officer-in-charge of Adiedo Dispensary, follow-up is still ongoing on all referral cases.
During the Field Hospital, reading eye-glasses were not readily available and therefore contacts of the patients who needed them had to be procured after the Field Hospital.
So far, 53 reading glasses have been purchased and sent to Adiedo Dispensary for allocation to each patient.
Recommendations and Ways Forward
It would be necessary to conduct another field hospital in the same sub-county at different times of the year to evaluate differences in the epidemiological data. The data will be pertinent in helping inform public health decisions.
With the high prevalence of hypertension in the area, 15%, there is a need to control the possible causative factors of raised blood pressure. A potential risk factor noted during the field hospital is the scarcity of fresh water at Adiedo. In addition, they need to walk long nearly 20 km daily to the shores of Lake Victoria or the nearest rivers. The community is sometimes forced to consume salty water. Quoted one of the villagers who is a retired medical doctor, ‘’In the community, it is considered better to serve your guest a cup of Uji than freshwater due to its limited reach’’.
There have been numerous projects targeting malaria and HIV in Homa Bay County. There is a need for continuous public health education during public forums on other health matters of concern such as hypertension.
As far as HIV/AIDS is concerned, the field hospital was meant to create awareness and service diagnostic suspicions. Future projects should include elective random HIV tests to promote 99% awareness of positivity status. This will involve working closely with local HIV Testing and Counselling (HTC) personnel employed with the county to allow for prompt and prudent follow-up. However, clinical incidences during routine lab work during the field hospital received adequate attention from RICO’s psychologist.
The data has been shared with the local healthcare facility in Adiedo for reference and development of future hypotheses against the statistics gathered.
RICO appreciates The Kenya Pipeline Company Limited (KPC) for sponsoring the project. Without such input, the project would not have realized such a success and the community of Adiedo would not have benefited from the services offered. Thank you to all pharmaceutical companies that donated drugs including Regal Pharmaceuticals and Phillips Pharma Group (Wessex Pharmaceuticals Ltd, Pharma Specialties Ltd, Phillips Therapeutics Ltd)
Appreciation also goes to the Senior Chief of the West Kanyaluo Location, Mr Eliaz O. Ombim, and the assistant chief Mr Shadrack for launching and gracing the activity with their presence throughout the two days. In addition, for providing consent, approval, and official invitation to the RICO medical team.
Through further approval of the medical camp by the Medical Officer of Health, Rachuonyo North Sub-County, Dr Odhiambo Bob, RICO was able to invite more healthcare stakeholders including Kendu Mission’s Director of Health Services and the local Adiedo Dispensary. This includes Mr Churchill Onyango, the senior clinical officer, who led a team of community health volunteers during mobilization and through the field hospital.
Adiedo Primary School hosted the services and went the extra mile to provide volunteer pupils to assist with crowd control, general organization, and interpretation. RICO extends its appreciation to the head teacher for the classrooms and staff offices. The Senior Teacher of Adiedo Primary School, Mrs Irene Odhiambo was instrumental in controlling the crowd and ensuring that all medical services and personnel were well accommodated.
The field hospital invited volunteers from different parts of the country. RICO wishes to express its gratitude to all of them for sacrificing their time to provide free medical services to the community members of Adiedo.
Lastly, RICO appreciates its Executive and Steering Committee members for their relentless efforts in ensuring the project’s success